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FAQs - Bookkeeping

Outsourcing frees up businesses to off-load non–core, yet vital areas of
its administration to companies specializing in that area.

FAQs - Bookkeeping

GKM bookkeepers can work two ways – one by logging on to your system and completing the work there or two, by downloading work to GKM server, completing it and uploading it back to your server. GKM would provide you with a login to the GKM server to enable uploads and downloads via our secured website. This site is secured by SSL – 128 bit encryption.

  • GKM realizes that the process of quality service delivery depends on the caliber of people involved. GKM trains its bookkeepers with utmost care and ensures that they have requisite knowledge of US processes and laws. Bookkeepers are constantly updated on the same through regular training sessions. Reviewers are qualified chartered accountants and MBAs.
  • We also develop checklists and documentation based on the work done and feedback received to ensure continuity in process and prevent personnel dependencies.

GKM offers you ½ time or full time bookkeepers depending upon your requirement. A half time employee would be available to you for 4 hours a day, while a full time employee would work on your files for 8 hours.

  • GKM’s functional capability in bookkeeping includes

    • Chart of Accounts design
    • Document Management
    • Preparation of Financial Statements
    • Audit support procedures
    • Business Plans, projections, cash flow and liquidity analysis
    • Expertise on various software like Quickbooks, Creative solutions, Accountants Relief, Client Ledger Systems etc.

GKM would send a weekly log and status report to you describing the work done and the time taken to complete each task. This log can be suitably modified to meet your internal time management practices. For example, if you use software such as Practice CS or Timeslips, GKM staff would use the same.

  • We takeover training requirements and thus relieve you of training hassles.
  • Our processes are visible and transparent to CPAs.
  • Conference calls are initiated through out the first month of the engagement so that the CPA can talk directly to the person managing his account.
  • Phone numbers are also provided so that the CPA may contact GKM at any time.
  • Data security is of paramount importance to GKM. GKM ensures stringent security policies at our off shore work facility. Please refer our detailed information on security aspects of our service.
  • Communication protocols are established at the very beginning of the engagement.
  • GKM has a policy of immediately responding by mail to any query received from a client.
  • We ensure that we are always open and available to our clients.
  • Typical accounting deliverables would be a set of financial statements comprising of

    • Balance Sheet
    • Statement of Income/Loss
    • Accounts Receivable
    • Accounts Payable
    • Depreciation Report
    • Bank Reconciliation Report
    • Payroll Reports for the Period
    • Exception Reports: Specially generated manual reports in case of deviations from stated norms.
  • GKM is promoted by Chartered Accountants and CPAs who have public accounting experience of more than two decades.
  • We understand your requirements and expectations better than anyone else.
  • Our USP is two-fold: Help clients cut costs and improve bottom lines. Lighten their low value work load so that they can put more efforts into high value added work. This would translate into growth and stability in the long run both for us and for our clients.
  • Our bookkeeper’s training and performance is our responsibility. We can also, when necessary, provide additional resources at short notice. No two practices are alike. While the client base might be uniform, each CPA has his or her own unique way of doing things and achieving goals. We at GKM adapt to these expectations through training and documentation. The “one size fits all” rule cannot be applied to this business – accounting principles may be the same the world over but the way things are done differ and our success can be attributed to our ability to adapt to this requirement.
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